so far i've had 4 cats (2 still alive) and 3 dogs. (2 still alive) the only other pets i've had were 3 fish.
For like, 30 minutes!!!!!! my friend and I went to the pet store, bought 3 11 cent fish and droped
all of them down the water fall infront of my housewith out my
mom knowing (she didn't take us to the store nore was she at home when my friend was.)
my friend left and took the fish home. (all alive)
anyway, what do you like cats or dogs?
oh, by the way, I leave for camp tomorrow for 1 month :D
Cats. They don't constantly crave attention, and they can go to the bathroom by them selves
ok63 (Updated )
totally, only my cat does crave attention cause our dogs get all of it first :D